Green spaces in Wimbledon & the Maldens are essential for our community and our health.
Whilst I really support the tennis, I do not support AELTC's plans in their current form.
I have spoken to Debbie Jevans, the Chair of AELTC. I've explained the objections from Save Wimbledon Park and we are going to meet again after the Championships to discuss this further and find a way forward.
Here is the transcript of a recent interview with the Kingston Courier:
Firstly, could you tell me why you oppose the plans to build new tennis grounds in Wimbledon Park?
I'm a proud supporter of Wimbledon Tennis and its legacy. However, the proposed new grounds need proper consultation with local residents, which hasn't happened yet. AELTC must listen to the community for this to move forward. As it stands, I can't back the plans in their current form.
Secondly, how do you feel that this cause has gained support from across the parties?
It's an MP's job to reflect their constituents' views. Stephen Hammond and I have opposed AELTC's current plans, and it's encouraging to see the LibDems following the Conservative lead in supporting our community's stance.
Finally, you've previously stated that you will be speaking to the CEO of the AELTC after the championships to find a solution. What do you hope to get out of these talks?
I've already met with Debbie Jevans, Chair of the AELTC, and discussed the concerns of Save Wimbledon Park and other resident groups. She has agreed to meet again after the Championships. My goal is to ensure the development plans involve a collaborative, two-way conversation with residents, as the tennis and local community must coexist harmoniously.